S-Teem Training and Coaching

A team building company in it's building and infancy stage. Be prepared when this hits the stage and market....

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Kayaking through the Little Mulgrave River (from Peevers Bridge to Ross and Locke), Queensland, Australia

Rainfall time throughout North Queensland provides the main catchments and waterways with much needed flushing out of the river systems. Hence, we like it so much, that the crew always looks forward to playful times on such waterways as the Little Mulgrave River.

Unlike it's mother system, the Mulgrave River, the Little Mulgrave provides a more aesthetically pleasing viewpoint of a bubbling brook, where the flora reaches down to the rivers edge and combines to give the kayaker a feeling of being one with the earth.
However, do not be fooled into thinking that this is a boring and easy stretch of a paddle. The Little Mulgrave provides for some quick thinking and rapid problem solving as there are many shutes off the main river where the kayaker could land in a spot of bother.

The river has many obstacles of fallen trees and logs, and eddy swirls to catch the unwary. There are twists and turns, and a few rapid holes to play in. In all, it is a very fresh system and delivers to the soul an invigorating sense of healthiness and adventure.

This river system can provide the kayak beginner with some of the skills that is required, and a taste of what is to come for future adventures of the crew.

Most of the time, the crew prefers to end their little escapade at the ever enjoyable Ross and Locke Swimming Hole. But their is an allure to the Little Mulgrave paddle in that the Mountainview Hotel , which sits right on the rivers edge, provides a satisfying ale....and a hot serve of chips for the now de-stressed kayaker.

Thus, it is with utmost respect to Mother Nature that the crew waits in anticipation for the wet season of every year.....

Remember when paddling the fabulous natural watercourses of this great country, please do not leave anything except for footprints in the sand...., and take nothing but photos and memories !



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