Easter Paddling - Day 3 (Easter Monday)
Yep, the rain continued to fall but a little less than the other days. Today was the day that the intrepid group planned to explore. There were only the 4 of us, Flounder, Adro, Bonnet Boy, and the irrepressible Tarzan.
Today we decided to tone things right back to paddle a flooded Babinda Creek. After finding our way up Stager Road to the end, we had found that the creek was not too far from the access road. However, to spice things up, we decided to enter the creek via a drain....something that Tarzan was scolded for for mentioning that we should do it. However, enter we did,and found our way to a beautiful flowing mountain stream. The top of Babinda Creek was truly a fantastic area and I would assume it is a haven of locals. The water was crystal clear and only murkied up once we got well and truly into farmland....one for the river conservationists arguments.
The paddle itself was a blessing in disguise as the group generally does not paddle more than twice a fortnight in most cases. It was rather pleasant just floating and going at a speed of 5 k's an hour without pulling through the water.
Along the way, in the first half of the trip, we enjoyed the necessity of relaxing from the last couple of days. This gave the boys a chance to experiment, with Adro trying out his new boat whilst trying to do nosestands, and Bonnet Boy trying to perfect his roll.
Tarzan was just happy to complete the picturesque snaps with his kayak mate. For once his camera was not on his helmet.....due to the fact that he wore
On our way down the creek, we did notice a few outstanding facets of the north queensland nature. A flowing waterfall existed above on the range. We surmised that that flowed into the creek
It was a chance to observe closely a couple of Jabirus who seemed oblivious to our presence only when we reached an impertinant 3 metres away, only to fly away into a clouded mist....yes it started to drizzle once again.
Once gaining the main highway bridge after a couple of hours of floating, it was discussed amongst the group that a seal launch off an old cane tram bridge (3 metres off river level) may be the go....but in the nature of the paddle, no-one was really excited to do such an energetic exercise. However, once passing the highway bridge, the group then presumed their efforts of a now imposing "croc watch". Yes, we were in fact, not that far from the Russell River. And thus, a closely observed paddle thus ensued....except for the period of "Grid Iron Kayaking" that occured with some sort of tree seed pod.
Indeed a few parts of the river were eerie....
We soon reached the township of Babinda and proceeded to extract the boats from the flowing exodus. However, Adro still wanted to try a seal launch down a muddy embankment and succeeded to do so.....all 15 metres back into the clear river. Onto the pub we went....only finding that in the country town, people still celebrated Easter with the respect it deserves, and no meals were served in the town at any of the establishments. Onwards to the cafe we went....to finally decide that we would then head back to Ways Bridge on the Little Mulgrave River for a bit of Surfing practice.
Easter Paddling - Day 3 - Little Mulgrave River
The group agreed to continue their skills on the river. A spot that we had located the day before became the ever-present practice area. This gave the enjoyment for practising everyones surfing skill. At this stage, we now enjoyed the company of Flick and Tangles, who decided to get some time on the river.
A matter of swapping boats ensued, and Flounder declaring he was too old to play late in the day, and volunteering to take the pics and the vids for the group, and the group played late into the day.
So ends the tale of a wet Easter in the North.
Remember, when paddling the fabulous natural watercourses of this great country, please do not leave anything behind except for footprints in the sand, and take nothing away except for photos and memories.
Labels: Kayaking
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